What is an eyebrow lift

With the appearance of the first signs of age, women are increasingly thinking about how to get them back an open and lively look. One of the most effective methods is eyebrow lift plastic surgery - eyebrow lifting.

Browlifting is a plastic surgery aimed at smoothing horizontal and vertical forehead wrinkles, raising the outer corners of the eyes and, accordingly, the eyebrow line. As a result of this procedure, the gaze regains vitality. The operation is performed on both women and men.

Who is the eyebrow lift indicated for?

Indications for browlifting:

  • Drooping eyebrow line
  • Descent of the upper eyelids
  • Deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose
  • Descent of the outer corners of the eyes
  • Severe ptosis of the skin on the forehead
  • Sagging skin in the temporal region
  • Congenital anomalies and defects
  • Creating a beautiful eyebrow shape
  • Face rejuvenation

How is eyebrow lift surgery done

The following techniques are used for eyebrow lift:

The traditional open (coronary) eyebrow lift is a type of coronary lift, when an incision is made in the hair, retreating from the hairline. Coronary lifting should not be performed on patients prone to baldness. Moreover, the use of this method promotes partial hair loss.
A hairline lift is a type of coronary lift where an incision is made in the scalp.
Endoscopic forehead lift - this type of facelift is characterized by fewer surgical trauma compared to other methods. This eyebrow lift is performed without loss of sensitivity. The skin is practically not removed during the operation. During the operation, the surgeon makes only a few punctures. Through them, with the help of an endoscopic camera, biologically compatible threads are introduced with hooks at the ends, which are attached to the muscles, as a result of which the eyebrow arches are raised. The skin is less injured, and puncture marks become completely invisible over time. This operation is carried out in the following stages:
1. The operation takes place under general anesthesia or in analgosedation.

2. Endoscopic lift usually involves four incisions: 2 in the scalp in the middle of the forehead and 2 in the temporal region.

3. Forehead skin tightening and fixation are performed.

4. Sutures or staplers are placed on the operating incisions.

5. The operation ends with the imposition of a tight, tight bandage around the head.

The temporal (lateral) lift is performed through incisions in the temporal region. The procedure allows you to raise the corners of the eyebrows.
A median brow lift allows for a smaller forehead. A surgical incision is made along one or more horizontal forehead wrinkles.
A brow lift is a method in which a surgical incision is made along the natural shape of the eyebrows. This method is considered the most meticulous and not suitable for every patient.
The choice of the method is carried out in consultation with the patient.

Benefits of an eyebrow lift

The advantage of browlifting is the fact that it can be performed using several techniques, depending on the wishes of the patient and the doctor's recommendations. This operation is less traumatic and has a short rehabilitation period.

Instrumentation and equipment

Different tools and equipment can be used depending on the chosen brow lift technique. The most popular are scalpel, medical thread, surgical scissors, forceps, hooks, endoscopic camera and other instruments.

The result of a surgical brow lift

The result after such an operation is the presence of raised corners of the eyebrows, a reduction in the forehead, the presence of raised eyebrows along their entire plane, "eye opening" occurs, ptosis of the eyelids is completely removed (if it was before), horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose are removed, and face rejuvenation occurs.

Postoperative and recovery periods

The final result of the operation becomes visible in 1.5-2 months. Removal of stitches takes place 2-3 weeks after surgery.

For the first 4-5 days, you can not sharply tilt and turn your head. All head movements must be done very slowly. Showering is possible 5 - 7 days after the operation. Use shampoo to wash your hair, do not blow dry your hair. Do not remove adhesive plasters from wounds. During the follow-up appointment, the doctor will change them. A visit to the sauna or solarium is possible after 2-3 months.


Can eyebrow lift and blepharoplasty be combined?

Yes, blepharoplasty can be done along with an eyebrow lift.

What are the contraindications to this procedure?

Surgical eyebrow lift has standard contraindications:

  • severe chronic diseases;
  • the presence of a virus or infection;
  • violation of blood clotting;
  • oncology;
  • systemic organ damage.


Услуга Цена, грн
Подтяжка бровей 40 000

Cпециалисты направления

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