What is belly liposuction

Liposuction is the surgical removal of excess subcutaneous fat. Liposuction only affects the superficial fat layer. This method can correct the disproportionate contours of the body. However, liposuction cannot be considered a method of extremely fast weight loss. Its main task is to correct the shape of the body.

Liposuction of the abdomen will return the owner to slender and toned forms, without excess fat and sagging skin.

Who is abdominal liposuction indicated for?

We recommend performing liposuction of the abdomen if the following factors are present:

  • Stretch marks (striae) on the abdomen.
  • Discrepancy (diastasis) of the rectus abdominis muscles.
  • The appearance of rough postoperative scars in the lower abdomen.
  • Sagging skin in the abdomen.
  • Unaesthetic appearance.
  • Excess fat in the abdomen.
  • The presence of cellulite.

How is belly liposuction done?

Before the operation, you discuss with your doctor your wishes and goals for the operation. Your surgeon will also assess your general health and risk factors; take a photo to compare and evaluate the result of the operation; discuss options for liposuction; recommends a course of treatment.

The operation is performed under anesthesia. In certain areas, the doctor introduces a special liquid agent that helps to suck out fat deposits. At this time, fat is broken down, it becomes liquid. After that, the loosened fat is sucked out of the body by vacuum through a cannula.

Advantages of abdominal liposuction surgery

One of the main advantages of this operation is the improvement of the skin: the skin becomes smoother and tighter. At our clinic, the advantage is the increased attention to patient safety, which is why we only work with highly qualified surgeons with perfect practical skills. It is worth remembering that the result of the procedure is saved forever. However, in order to prevent relapses as much as possible, it is worth sticking to a healthy diet and moderate physical activity.

Instrumentation and equipment

For the operation, a medical cannula, a surgical scalpel, an anesthetic or general anesthesia (negotiated in advance with the surgeon), a special solution that inflames fat, surgical threads, a needle and a plaster are used.

Belly liposuction result

Liposuction is a body contouring method, not weight loss. Today liposuction is distinguished with a small amount of fat from 1.5 to 2.5 liters, large - from 2.5 to 5 liters. fat and very large - more than 5 liters in one operation. The result is directly proportional to the patient's lifestyle. The more correct it is (diet, moderate exercise), the longer and more efficiently the liposuction result will last: beautiful and elastic skin of the abdomen and relief waist.

Postoperative and recovery periods

The first 2 days, patients are shown hospital and quiet rest. Side effects may include bruising and swelling. After two weeks, it is recommended to sign up for a massage course.

Within 2-3 weeks after the operation, it is advisable to exclude fatty, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages. It is also prohibited to take aspirin-containing drugs. Within 2 months, active sports, swimming are contraindicated. Also, it is not advisable for women to plan a pregnancy for 2 years.


What are the contraindications for abdominal liposuction?

Liposuction of the abdomen is performed using anesthesia, so there are contraindications. Liposuction should not be done when:

  • diabetes mellitus and oncological diseases,
  • diseases of the skin and diseases associated with blood clotting,
  • mental disorders
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys,
  • pregnant women and during lactation,
  • during an exacerbation of chronic and infectious diseases.

What types of liposuction are there?

Modern medical clinics offer several options for abdominal liposuction, among them are standard (classical) liposuction, laser, tumescent, ultrasound, radio frequency and waterjet. Your doctor will help you choose the most optimal type of liposuction.

Cпециалисты направления

Petah Andrej Vasil'evich

Plastic surgeon, МD

Grishin Evgeny Leonidovich

Трембач Александр Михайлович

Oncosurgeon, Plastic Surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Лавриненко Наталья Николаевна

Пластическая и эстетическая хирургия, инъекционная косметология

Звездилина Людмила Стратонівна

Гармаш Наталія Анатоліївна

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