What is testicular prosthetics

Testicular prosthetics is a plastic surgery to place a silicone implant in the scrotum. The operation has a cosmetic effect and does not affect the patient's health. The silicone implant is made according to individual measurements, has a smooth and even surface. outwardly resembling male testicles. The material for the prosthesis is silicone and hybrid substances, which provide good survival, no discomfort and a low likelihood of complications. If the implant does not take root, it is removed surgically.
The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes. After prosthetics, the patient is transferred to a hospital for 1-2 days. In some cases, hormone therapy is prescribed. The stitches are removed after about 10 days.

Who is testicular prosthetics indicated for?

Testicular prosthetics is performed in case of congenital absence of one or two testicles, surgical or traumatic removal. Prosthetics are for cosmetic purposes only. Artificial testes are usually made of polymer material. The products are oval in shape, which outwardly resemble male testicles. The surface of the implant is flat and smooth and strong enough to withstand sudden physical pressure. Modern prostheses have maximum bioinertness, i.e. do not cause rejection reactions in the body.
Sometimes, instead of a hard prosthesis, a liquid gel can be used, the introduction of which gives good cosmetic results and does not subsequently cause complications.
It is often difficult to establish by what method a cosmetic result is achieved. We are proficient in both methods.
The absence of a testicle can be caused by the following reasons:
 congenital absence of one (monorchia) or both testicles at once (anorchia);
 violation of the process of lowering the testicle into the scrotum - cryptorchidism;
 testicular atrophy as a result of any disease;
 traumatic amputation of testicles;
 the consequences of surgical removal of the testicles, for example, in case of cancer.
This implant has no effect on reproductive function.
Testicular replacement surgery is easy to perform, the risk of complications is minimal. On examination, the surgeon will be able to individually select the size of the artificial testicle.
Testicular prosthetics is a necessary element of aesthetic and psychological comfort for a man.

How is testicular prosthetics done

At the RomiTal laser aesthetics center in Kiev, only high quality certified prostheses with 100% biocompatibility are used. Testicular prosthetics is not a complicated operation, however, it requires fine work and high-quality equipment.
During the operation, an incision is made on the scrotum, if possible, the remnants of the spermatic cord are isolated and to them, with special threads, the implant is sutured to fix it. In this case, a physiological contraction of the muscles of the spermatic cord can be achieved and the testicle will rise, as in normal conditions. If there is no cord, the implant is fixed to the tissues of the scrotum.
During the operation, the tissues of the scrotum are not affected or damaged in any way, which guarantees the absence of complications. The implant, having 100% biocompatibility, does not cause any unpleasant sensations and takes root without creating any discomfort. The most unpleasant complication should be considered a postoperative hematoma in the suture area, which occurs only in 1-2% of cases. Restriction of sexual activity for 2 weeks. Healing and recovery usually goes without any difficulties. After complete healing, there will be no marks left on the skin. A scrotum with a prosthetic testicle looks as natural as possible.

Advantages of testicular prosthetics

Testicular replacement surgery is a light surgery that has a minimal recovery period. The essence of the operation is aimed more at an aesthetic result, since the prosthetic testicle does not perform any of the physiological functions. Thus, a man with a prosthetic testicle (or two testicles) will be able to regain self-confidence to enjoy a full sex life again. Already 2 weeks after the operation, no one can understand that there is a prosthesis in place of the testicle.

Instrumentation and equipment

For testicular prosthetics, the doctors of our center use the latest equipment with minimal risks and blood loss. During the operation, a scalpel, self-absorbable sutures, surgical scissors and other instruments are used.

Testicular prosthetics result

As a result of the operation, a man can become the owner of two testicles, maintain confidence and masculinity, and also bring his intimate life in order. It is worth remembering that a prosthetic testicle does not perform a physiological action, but is only an aesthetic result. A scrotum with a prosthetic testicle looks as natural as possible.

Postoperative and recovery periods

After prosthetics, the patient is transferred to a hospital and discharged for 2-3 days. After surgery, it is necessary to carry out dressings for two weeks (they are performed by a urologist at an outpatient appointment). The stitches are removed after 14 days. For a month after the operation, we recommend not to engage in physical activity (go to the gym, lift weights). It is also recommended to refrain from sexual activity. In some cases, hormone therapy is prescribed. Healing and recovery usually goes without any difficulties. After complete healing, there will be no marks left on the skin.


How to prepare for surgery?
Before the operation, the patient must undergo blood and urine tests. In the presence of inflammatory diseases, you must first undergo antibiotic treatment. Also, the man will be examined by an andrologist and an anatomically suitable implant will be selected. The dentures are available in three sizes (small, medium, large) and are available in different materials. He is selected for each man individually. In the absence of contraindications, the day of the operation is appointed.
What are the contraindications?
You should refrain from testicular prosthetics if you have the following contraindications:
• any acute inflammatory process in the body;
• exacerbation of chronic diseases (inflammatory and non-inflammatory);
• decompensation of diabetes mellitus, when there is too high blood sugar;
• systemic diseases during an exacerbation;
•    mental disorders.
The doctor will tell you more about contraindications at the examination.


Услуга Цена, грн
Testicular prosthetics (without the cost of a prosthesis) 30 000

Cпециалисты направления

Нашеда Сергей Васильевич

Urologist, Surgeon Doctor of the highest category. 12 years of experience A urologist, surgeon has been working in the field of urology and andrology for more than ten years. Engaged in scientific activities, has the highest category in medicine. Surgical and conservative methods treat inflammatory diseases

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