Laser removal of dropsy of the testicle

What is laser removal of dropsy of the testicle

An operation for dropsy of the testicle or removal of a dropsy of the testicle is a surgical procedure to open the dropsy and excision of the testicular membranes. The operation is called hydrocelectomy, has several options and is prescribed after a thorough diagnostic examination. The dropsy may develop over time or be congenital.

Who is the laser removal of dropsy testicles indicated for?

Surgery is prescribed by a urologist or andrologist. The diagnosis is made after examination based on patient complaints. In most cases, dropsy is not painful, so treatment is often delayed. The following symptoms indicate a hydrocele:

  •  swelling of the scrotum;
  •  discomfort when urinating;
  •  discomfort when moving;
  •  sexual disorders.

The reason for the formation of a hydrocele can be:

  •  trauma;
  •  testicular inflammation;
  •  varicocele;
  •  swelling;
  •  complication after kidney transplantation;
  •  complication after serious illness (gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  •  cardiovascular insufficiency;
  •  congenital pathology.

How is the laser removal of dropsy testicles done?

The method of treating the disease is established individually in each case - based on the results of a comprehensive analysis. Laser removal is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and promotes rapid tissue healing. You should not be afraid of surgical removal of excess fluid in the testicular membranes: firstly, this method remains the most effective, and after the operation, repeated cases of testicular dropsy are very rare.

Advantages of laser removal of testicular dropsy

  •  painlessness of the procedure,
  •  accelerated rehabilitation stage,
  •  high percentage of efficiency,
  •  absence of scars and unaesthetic scars,
  •  the speed of the operation (20-30 minutes),
  •  confidentiality,
  •  European level of service,
  •  consulting support of specialized specialists at all stages of treatment,
  •  loyal prices.

Instrumentation and equipment

During the operation, surgical instruments and a laser are used.

The result of laser removal of testicular dropsy

The result of treatment is not only getting rid of the hydrocele. Having got rid of pain and functional discomfort, the patient gains self-confidence, which means he is completely ready for a full-fledged active life.

Postoperative and recovery periods

The operation is easily transferred. Sexual activity can be resumed approximately 2 weeks after surgery. In this case, you should be as careful as possible. Full restoration of sexual activity is possible only after the testicles are completely healed.


What methods are there for the diagnosis of dropsy of the testicle?

Methods for the professional establishment of hydrocele include:

primary - tactile examination of the patient's genital area.
outpatient - examination of the scrotum area using ultrasound (as a result, the doctor accurately determines the condition of the testicle, epididymis, accurately sets the volume of accumulated fluid).
When establishing dropsy of the testicle, which has developed against the background of other diseases, first of all, the basic diagnosis is treated.

What are the contraindications for laser removal of dropsy of the testicle?

There are no absolute contraindications to the procedure. With correct laser removal, the symptoms disappear, the patient recovers quickly. The operation is prescribed with caution to persons with allergic reactions and poor blood clotting. With timely treatment, dropsy of the ovary goes away without consequences. If you refuse surgery, there is a high risk of developing infertility, premature ejaculation or complete testicular atrophy.

Basic information on laser removal of dropsy

Indications. Bloating of the scrotum; discomfort when urinating; discomfort when moving; sexual disorders.
Result. Complete removal of dropsy of the testicle. Before surgery: constant pain and discomfort in the groin area. After surgery: the excess fluid in the testicular membranes is removed.
Advantages of the method. Painlessness of the procedure, accelerated rehabilitation period, high percentage of effectiveness, absence of scars and unaesthetic scars.
Can be combined. If indicated, the operation can be combined with other techniques. For example, laser plastic surgery of the frenum.
Instrumentation and equipment. During the operation, surgical instruments and a laser are used.
Time spending. 20-30 minutes.
Anesthesia. Local - yes. General anesthesia is not.
Hospitalization terms. Hospital: 1 day. Return to activity: 2-3 days. Full recovery: 2-3 weeks.

Cпециалисты направления

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Urologist, Surgeon Doctor of the highest category. 12 years of experience A urologist, surgeon has been working in the field of urology and andrology for more than ten years. Engaged in scientific activities, has the highest category in medicine. Surgical and conservative methods treat inflammatory diseases

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