What is laser removal of genital warts

Genital warts are a manifestation of the human papillomavirus on mucous membranes in the form of pink or brown nodules, of various shapes and sizes. Warts are easily spread from person to person. Therefore, the specialists of the clinic at the RomiTal Laser Aesthetics Center in Kiev strongly recommend getting rid of these neoplasms in a timely manner. We offer a completely painless method - laser removal of genital warts.

Who is indicated for laser removal of genital warts

The virus is very common due to several possible routes of transmission. Often, due to genital warts or cysts, a person cannot perform their professional duties.
Condylomas are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

  •  sensation of a foreign body;
  •  itching of the genitals;
  •  humidity of the intimate areas of the skin affected by warts.

Everyone has seen such neoplasms as warts or papillomas on the skin at least once. They appear due to excessive and uncontrolled cell growth. In total, about 30 types of skin neoplasms are known.
According to the clinical picture, neoplasms are divided into:

  •  Benign;
  •  malignant;
  •  borderline or precancerous conditions.

Benign neoplasms do not pose a danger to humans and are amenable to therapy in dermatological rooms.

How is laser removal of genital warts done?

Laser removal of genital warts - an innovative method used at the RomiTal Laser Aesthetics Center, is rightfully considered the safest and most effective.
For the treatment of genital warts, our center uses modern Italian laser equipment of a new generation. The therapy is carried out with a carbon dioxide laser, capable of a point effect exclusively on the tissues of the damaged rectal area, without affecting healthy areas. The gentle effect of the fractional laser makes the procedure painless and shortens the rehabilitation process.
Laser removal of genital warts takes about 15 minutes on average.
The innovative laser system is based on the interaction of a laser and a radio frequency source, which allows removal with maximum safety and reliable results.

Advantages of laser removal of genital warts

The main advantages of laser removal are safety and sterility. The laser has a bactericidal effect, which eliminates the risk of infection in the future. The device does not damage the surrounding tissues, since the radiation affects only the pathological process. Other advantages of laser removal:

  •  leaves no scars;
  •  the procedure lasts 10-15 minutes;
  •  the rehabilitation period does not take much time;
  •  there is no risk of bleeding;
  •  the neoplasm is removed in one procedure;
  •  the price of the operation is comparable to the traditional surgical method.

Instrumentation and equipment

During the operation, surgical instruments and a laser are used.

The result of laser removal of genital warts

The neoplasm is removed in one 15-20 minute session. No scars or scars remain on the skin - the method is bloodless, so the doctor does not need to stitch at the end of the operation.
The use of a laser in the treatment of condylomatosis allows not only to achieve a good cosmetic effect after the procedure, but also to reduce the risk of recurrence of neoplasm in the same place due to the fact that the laser coagulates all pathogenic cells.

Postoperative and recovery periods

After removal of genital warts, the patient can immediately go home, no hospitalization is required - this is an outpatient procedure. However, at home, you should adhere to a number of rules:
1.observe hygiene measures;
2. Thoroughly dry the perineum and genitals with a disposable paper towel;
3. For two weeks, try not to irritate the area of the operation, avoid sunburn and refuse to go to the bath and sauna.


Which doctor deals with the removal of genital warts?

Minimally invasive removal of genital warts can be performed by a dermatologist, gynecologist (if warts are located on a woman's genitals), urologist (when condylomas are located on the penis) or a proctologist (when condylomas are localized in the anal area).

Why did I get warts?

The only cause of genital warts is papillomavirus. Infection most often occurs during sexual intercourse, other transmission routes are not significant. It is important that condylomas in the anogenital zone do not appear immediately after causal contact. It usually takes from six months to a year (in women, manifestations develop faster than in men).
Basic information on laser removal of genital warts
1. Indications. The presence of genital warts and other neoplasms.
2. Result. Laser removal of genital warts. Before surgery: pain in the groin, itching of the genitals, moisture in the integument. After the operation: No discomfort, the skin is clean and smooth, no growths and papillomas.
3. Advantages of the method. Leaves no scars; the rehabilitation period does not take much time; there is no risk of bleeding; the neoplasm is removed in one procedure.
4. Can be combined. With laser removal of testicular dropsy.
5. Instrumentation and equipment. Surgical instruments, laser.
6. Time of the event. 10 minutes to 15 minutes.
7. Anesthesia. Local - yes. General anesthesia is not.
8. Terms of hospitalization. Hospital: no. Return to activity: 2 days. Full recovery - 7-10 days.


Услуга Цена, грн
Laser removal of genital warts 1 unit 700

Cпециалисты направления

Нашеда Сергей Васильевич

Urologist, Surgeon Doctor of the highest category. 12 years of experience A urologist, surgeon has been working in the field of urology and andrology for more than ten years. Engaged in scientific activities, has the highest category in medicine. Surgical and conservative methods treat inflammatory diseases

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