What is endovenous laser coagulation

Endovenous laser coagulation (EVLK), or endovasal laser ablation - laser removal of varicose veins. This technique is practically not traumatic and painless, in addition, it is a relatively new method of medical elimination of the disease.

Who is endovenous laser coagulation indicated for?

The main indication for endovenous laser coagulation of veins is the presence of clinically significant reflux in the saphenous veins. The volume of correction of venous insufficiency in case of varicose enlargement is determined after additional examination - ultrasound of veins with Doppler ultrasound.

Endovascular laser coagulation is required for:

  • varicose veins with damage to the trunks of the great or small saphenous veins;
  • severe symptoms (severity, edema, impairing the patient's quality of life);
  • the formation of trophic changes in the skin or the presence of ulcers;
  • lack of effectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • post-thrombotic disease of the lower extremities in the stage of complete deep vein recanalization;
  • insolvency of the osteal and stem valves;
  • pre-osteal expansion of the great and small saphenous veins no more than 15 mm and no less than 4 mm;
  • a small amount of varicose inflows;
  • smooth course of the trunk of the large (small) saphenous vein.

How is endovenous laser coagulation done?

Often, endovascular laser ablation is combined with miniflebectomy, which allows you to achieve the desired cosmetic result with virtually no tissue injury.
The EVLO technique consists of five successively performed steps:
Step 1. Puncture of the main saphenous vein and conducting a light guide.
Step 2. Positioning the working part of the fiber.
Step 3. Creation of tumescent anesthesia.
Step 4. Carrying out endovasal laser obliteration.
Step 5. Applying a compression bandage.
Endovenous laser coagulation is performed under local anesthesia. Control is carried out using Doppler and ultrasound studies. No incisions are made during vein laser treatment. Hospitalization is not required, procedures are performed on an outpatient basis.



Advantages of endovenous laser coagulation

The advantages of classical endovasal laser coagulation:

  • absence of skin incisions - a good cosmetic effect (no stitches, scars).
  • minimum rehabilitation period. After the procedure, the patient can immediately start working.
  • rare bruises and hematomas after surgery (minimal tissue trauma).
  • complete absence of pain.
  • minimal wearing of compression hosiery after the intervention.
  • local anesthesia;
  • maximum aesthetic effect;
  • speed of the procedure;
  • reducing the risk of bleeding, hematomas;
  • tolerance of the impact on the patient's psyche;
  • the minimum list of contraindications for the procedure.

Instrumentation and equipment

The procedure requires special certified equipment - a radial laser. A probe that is inserted into the lumen of the vessel. Quality control of the operation is carried out under Doppler and ultrasound examinations. After the completion of the procedure, a special compression bandage is applied to the treated area.

The result of endovenous laser coagulation

This procedure is one of the newest methods of surgical treatment of varicose veins. The technique makes it possible to do without skin incisions, as a result of which the patient does not need hospitalization and inpatient observation. After the operation, the vein is sealed, abnormal blood reflux is eliminated. As a result - the absence of varicose veins and other associated diseases. Cleanliness and beautiful appearance of the skin.

Postoperative and recovery periods

After wearing the compression hosiery, the patient should walk for at least 40 minutes. Round-the-clock compression lasts 2 days. Further only in the daytime for about a month. There may be slight tenderness in the limb. The cause of bruising may be getting into small capillaries during tumescent anesthesia. Sometimes there is a feeling of tension in the thigh, a feeling of tension in the vein. This usually goes away within 1.5 months. A short-term increase in body temperature to subfebrile numbers is possible.
About a fifth of patients, 4-6 days after endovasal laser coagulation, may experience a pulling sensation along the vein - this is normal!


What are the contraindications for endovenous laser coagulation?

As with all minimally invasive interventions, there are also a number of barriers. Some of them are:

  • deep vein thrombosis
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • severe concomitant pathology
  • inability to create adequate compression after intervention in obese patients
  • the inability to activate the patient after surgery

Are there any complications after endovenous lizard coagulation?

Today in Ukraine, especially in the city of Kiev, a huge experience has been accumulated in the use of endovascular laser surgery on the veins of the lower extremities. Therefore, the risk of complications is minimized. They are so rare that isolated cases are discussed separately at conferences.

Endovenous laser coagulation is fairly painless, safe and easy to manipulate. Therefore, the demand for it is constantly growing.


Услуга Цена, грн
Planned EVLK (laser surgery) VPV and MPV
(for one leg, including postoperative supervision and ultrasound control up to 30 days)
30 000

Cпециалисты направления

Oleksiy Skrynnyk

Surgeon, phlebologist, ultrasound specialist

Звездилина Людмила Стратонівна

Гармаш Наталія Анатоліївна

Advantages of RomiTal clinic