Laser treatment for urinary incontinence

What is Laser Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

Your life has changed a lot. Exercising, laughing, coughing or sneezing are common activities that you perceived in a very different way. After all, now they can cause an unpleasant symptom - urine leakage. You are ashamed of your problem and are trying to solve it with urological pads. But in this way you do not eliminate the problem, but only hide its manifestations.
Stress urinary incontinence is a common syndrome that affects more than 40% of women over 40.
Previously, the most effective treatment for female urinary incontinence was surgery, but laser technology eliminated the need for women to undergo surgery.
Involuntary leakage of urine (from a few drops to a full stream) is always associated with insufficiency of the sphincter, bladder and urethra. When the pelvic floor and urogenital diaphragm are damaged, the walls of the vagina are displaced, the position of the bladder and uterus changes, which is the reason for the development of pathology.

Who is laser treatment for urinary incontinence indicated for?

Urinary retention is a violation of the process of urination, characterized by the inability to control it.

The causes of urinary tract dysfunction are related to the type of disease.

Stressful (involuntary, without urge) is a type of incontinence that occurs in women 40-60 years old with any physical activity (coughing, sneezing, squatting, etc.). Causes of occurrence:

  • prolapse of the pelvic organs;
  • lack of estrogen;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • trauma to the organs of the urinary system;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • transferred operations;
  • hard physical work.

Imperative - This type is characterized by a strong urge to urinate. Loss of urine occurs without physical exertion. The reasons:

  • damage to the muscular membrane of the bladder;
  • neurological diseases;
  • blockage of the urinary tract;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • neoplasms of the bladder.

How is laser incontinence treatment done?

With the use of laser technology, the procedure for laser treatment of urinary incontinence has become possible in Ukraine. The essence of the procedure is that as a result of exposure, the anterior wall of the vagina, as well as the walls and sphincter of the bladder, contract.
Laser devices of the latest generation allow, due to controlled heat exposure, to achieve accelerated collagen recovery. As a result of laser treatment of urinary incontinence, the tissues become more elastic, firm and tightened. The procedure is comfortable and completely painless.
When carrying out the procedure using laser equipment, discomfort is usually absent. The patient feels a slight burning sensation and tingling sensation in the treatment areas. The duration of one session is 10-15 minutes. The duration of the course of treatment is determined on an individual basis. As a rule, these are 2-3 procedures with an interval of 15-30 days.
During the examination, the doctor prescribes mandatory tests (cytology (PAP test), general clinical urine analysis, morphological analysis). The gynecologist conducts a comprehensive examination to rule out contraindications.

Benefits of laser treatment for urinary incontinence

After laser surgery, the tone of the pelvic floor increases, and the production of collagen increases. Also, the blood supply and nutrition to the pelvic organs improves. A quick result - usually two sessions are enough to eliminate mild and even moderate urgent urinary incontinence and the absence of any complications are one of the main advantages of this method. Duration of the result - (the achieved effect lasts for a year or a longer period of time - it all depends on the lifestyle and compliance with the doctor's recommendations).
In addition, there are such advantages of this treatment:
 provides complete safety;
 lack of anesthesia;
 the rehabilitation period takes no more than three days;
 accompanied by an aesthetic effect associated with active collagen production.

Instrumentation and equipment

For the operation, a special surgical laser and other medical equipment are used.

The result of laser treatment for urinary incontinence

Research shows that laser treatment is highly effective in treating stress urinary incontinence in women:

  •  Patients noted that they were 97% satisfied with the procedure
  •  Approximately 70% of women showed no signs of urinary incontinence for 120 days after treatment
  •  There were no side effects associated with laser treatments.
  •  After the 1st treatment for urinary incontinence, the volume of residual urine decreased by 30.86 cm3.
  •  No pain, no anesthesia.
  •  The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  •  After the procedure, you can join your daily life.
  •  Improved sex life due to increased vaginal sensitivity by 95%.
  •  Increase the sensibility of orgasm by 57% and increase the number of orgasms during intercourse by 14%.

Postoperative and recovery periods

After the procedure, you can return to your daily life. But nevertheless, it is necessary to remember some rules of the recovery period:

  •  have no sexual relations for 1 week after the procedure
  •  do not take a bath, do not swim in the pool for 1 week after treatment
  •  avoid constipation for 2 weeks after treatment
  •  avoid lifting weights for 1 month. after treatment
  •  do not use tampons for 1 month. after treatment
  •  after 1 month come for a second procedure


What research should be done before the procedure and consultation?
The consultation requires:
1.Oncocytological smear (PAP) is normal (taken this year)
2. urine analysis (make sure there is no urinary infection)
3.examination of the flora of the vagina (it is necessary to make sure that there is no inflammation)
4.description of ultrasound examination of female genital organs (fibroids are not a contraindication for this type of therapy)
5.lack of menstruation obesity, BMI <33
7.Women's work is not associated with daily weight lifting pregnancy
Is the procedure painful?
The procedure is painless, no additional anesthesia (pain relief) is required.
Basic Information on Laser Treatment for Urinary Incontinence
1. Indications. Urinary incontinence, involuntary leakage of urine.
2. Result. The symptom of stress urinary incontinence is completely absent. Before surgery: involuntary leakage of urine. After surgery: 97% positive outcome of the procedure, improved sex life and psychological state.
3. Advantages of the method. Complete security; lack of anesthesia; the rehabilitation period takes no more than three days; accompanied by an aesthetic effect associated with active collagen production.
4. Can be combined. The possibility of combining the procedure is discussed with the doctor.
5. Instrumentation and equipment. Surgical laser and other medical equipment.
6. Time of the event. 15-20 minutes.
7. Anesthesia. Local - no. General anesthesia is not.
8. Terms of hospitalization. The hospital is not. Return to activity - 1 week. Full recovery - 1 month.

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